Saturday, January 14, 2012

Right to work; Senator Mishler.

Re: Stop Pursuing Divisive Legislation

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Senator Ryan Mishler,

Taking away union dues, will result in the end of unions which will ultimately result in reduced wages, and job loss. This is not an opinion, this is a fact. These negative repercussions, and many others have been studied, lived, and thus proven. My dad, and many, many, many of Indiana's citizens job's will be at jeopardy. The economy will go back to a place that, being the state that houses a city with a previous record number of jobless people and families, Elkhart, cannot afford. Employers who were once union shops, will now be able to hire in people at minimum wage, and people like my dad, will be the people who train these people, and then ultimately are laid off, or not needed anymore as their wages would be higher than they would like. It does not help that his wages, which are just enough to support his family (which now consists of him and my mother in an apartment) are directly from being employed as a Union Stewart in a sign shop here in Northern Indiana. Right to work make it un-necessary to pay union dues, and then the person will still be covered by the union... that is until the union no longer has a leg to stand on and falls over. I feel strongly that this is either something not thought out well, not cared about, the idea, or a lack of understanding and sympathy. I feel it may relate to lack of understanding and sympathy, If people do not want to pay union dues, the answer is simple; do not work somewhere with an installed Union. If a person decides to apply, and work for a place with a Union that is entirely within their own hands at that point. Just as you are willing to put money into taxes, and campaigning for your job, people who work in unions are willing to pay into their job too. Teachers are no different either, often left with little to no funding for classroom supplies, many are bought out of pocket, and because of their passion for the job. Many jobs have an expense that comes out of their paycheck that is used for their jobs and union workers are NO different. However, that alone does not mean that my dad, the union stewart should be thrown in the ringer to even have to worry about whether or not he will have to lose everything he has spent twenty two years building up to. This is not about my dad only. He is just the closest representation to my heart. As a daughter of a sign worker, whose union (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 153) I literally grew up in, I know all of the people who have worked with him for the past twenty two years. They are intelligent people. Don't you think that a decision like this should be something that is left up to the people who know and have lived their lives? We have traveled to Indianapolis, in mass groups to give you a visual of how strong we all feel about this, about how this will affect our lives. You don't have to live these peoples lives and see how this will affect them or feel the repercussion of it on a personal level. It will be something you read in the paper, or on the internet and don't understand. Right to work will be the ugly face of an already struggling economy, and passing this will only make things worse. So I ask you again to please reconsider your ideas, with an open mind.
Thank you,
Brandi L. Picton-Prater

From: Senate District9
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2012 9:30 AM
Subject: RE: Stop Pursuing Divisive Legislation

Dear Brandi,

Thank you for your e-mail regarding the Right to Work legislation that is currently being considered by Indiana lawmakers. This is a strong and emotional subject so I do appreciate being advised of your position on this bill. I am open to listening to both sides of the issue, but I do not believe anyone should be required to join an organization, association or union as a requirement for employment.

Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me. I do appreciate your input.


Senator Ryan Mishler

-----Original Message-----
From: Brandi Picton-Prater []
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2012 12:28 AM
Subject: Stop Pursuing Divisive Legislation

I’m writing to ask you to oppose efforts to reintroduce anti-worker Right-to-Work legislation, and instead to move on to tackling other important problems facing our state – like getting our economy back on track and working together to create jobs.

My dad is a Union Member, him and I have come down to Indianapolis several times with his Union to try and help promote stopping this bill from passing. I am heavily involved in Politics myself, and have also come down for womens' rights and reproductive rights. My dad (as a union Stewart) feels strongly, as a union member of 22 years, that right to work will drastically change his job, and ultimately result in the loss of it through lower wages offered to other people who would be hired in below him.

This divisive legislation will paralyze the legislature and prevent it from getting the people’s business done. Please put the public interest ahead of a partisan political agenda and oppose reintroducing Right-to-Work legislation.

Thank you.
Brandi Picton-Prater
Matthew Picton-Prater
Ty Picton
Jerriann Picton
Tyler Picton

South Bend, IN 46614