Sunday, December 4, 2011

When life brings people in, someone usually falls out...

People come and go. I like the ones who come, and usually feel like the one who goes. Sometimes the people you meet you hold on to, like there will be no tomorrow, and some people you rush through the entire friendship in a few months and end it. Life is a roller coaster, and I live it to the fullest, with no regrets. I fall entirely too fast for people in general. And don't fall out fast enough for others. I am in love with the very idea of love, and continually fight for that feeling in many people I encounter. the chase is half of the fun but once its over, it is sometimes just over. But things progress at its own pace sometimes too. Friends, or more, I hope to be all that I can be but that's not always up to you. Sometimes it is up to them, or him.... or her. Thinking makes my hands shake, my brain race, my mouth form a smile. If I were hooked up to a heart monitor, the thought of these thoughts would clearly make my heart beat a million a minute. It causes me to lose my breath like I went down a big hill on a roller coaster, and I feel it in my stomach. I want you all over me, I want your hands in mine, against a wall, reservations off, and mouth to mouth. I want it all. and I want it with you, or you. or you. but what happens when thats all the same person. Oh, my thoughts are getting jumbled and I am full of liquid courage, so I am courageously going to stop writing for the moment.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Ladies and Gents...

Though the time has not arrived upon us yet, It is time to set up this new chapter. All things come to an end, and the dreaded time consumer of fb can no longer be my home. I cannot explain myself, because you will probably deem me crazy. Crazy I am not, so we must part ways on there. However, here I am. =D So lets get to know eachother all over again, and I will re-invent something radical to share with you.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sister, where art thou?

It was such a very short period ago, realistically- Once upon a time... An older sister had a swan-like wing span over her younger sister. She spent the first three years of her life wishing in a sandbox made out of a tractor tire, for her... so when she got her, she loved her. Her best friend, her worst enemy. Her very own little sister...and no one elses. What more could someone ask for? ...
That little sister back.

I remember bringing her home from the hospital. and being upset that her name was Tyler, and NOT Cody. I remember that she was wrinkly and pink, and I helped my mom take care of her- EVERY opportunity I could. And I remember that when we grew up, she grew a little bit more than me and quickly out grew my hand-me-downs. My sister started having issues dealing with her weight- and with the people around her. She became bitter- and had this attitude. I don't remember exactly when that started though. Boy could she publicly humiliate a person! But if anyone talked smack about my sister, I was right there to cuss them out or beat them down. Nights after school spent holding my crying sister... Threatening to beat another ass.