Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sister, where art thou?

It was such a very short period ago, realistically- Once upon a time... An older sister had a swan-like wing span over her younger sister. She spent the first three years of her life wishing in a sandbox made out of a tractor tire, for her... so when she got her, she loved her. Her best friend, her worst enemy. Her very own little sister...and no one elses. What more could someone ask for? ...
That little sister back.

I remember bringing her home from the hospital. and being upset that her name was Tyler, and NOT Cody. I remember that she was wrinkly and pink, and I helped my mom take care of her- EVERY opportunity I could. And I remember that when we grew up, she grew a little bit more than me and quickly out grew my hand-me-downs. My sister started having issues dealing with her weight- and with the people around her. She became bitter- and had this attitude. I don't remember exactly when that started though. Boy could she publicly humiliate a person! But if anyone talked smack about my sister, I was right there to cuss them out or beat them down. Nights after school spent holding my crying sister... Threatening to beat another ass.

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